We live in a world that is broken. Genesis states that when
God finished his creation on day 7 He rested because He saw that his Creation
was “GOOD”. That did not last long
before sin entered into the world and the good Creation became broken and had
to be separated from it’s Creator. 99% of the world’s 10,000 or so years of
existence is no where near what it was intended. We were supposed to live in a
world of love, support, and happiness…instead we live in a world of sin, anger,
malice, sadness, and sickness. We live in a world broken and fallen…a world
where someone has to intervene to uphold law and order. Before the fall there
was no need for such a peacekeeper because law and order was interwoven into
your being…you knew it and just did it…with sin that changed. We became
creatures of our own will instead of God’s…creatures that wanted what’s best
for us and not others or what’s best for God’s perfect Creation. One day Christ
will return and that perfect Creation will be restored…until then sin and
malice will roam free. One day my job will not exist.
We will one day live on this world as it was meant to be…I
will have a new job in the New Creation because law enforcement will come
naturally and laws and rules will not be broken because God’s creation will be
focused on worshipping Him and that will be the driving force for all that is
done. I cannot wait on the day that God says “Your work as a law enforcement
officer is done because you are no longer needed…your new calling is ____.”
Until then however I am going to do everything in my power to keep law and
order and protect what is left of God’s perfect and beautiful creation because
that is what He has called me to do. I cannot wait for the day that God’s Creation
is made whole once again.