Monday, December 22, 2014

Why I Love a Job that I Hate Exists

We live in a world that is broken. Genesis states that when God finished his creation on day 7 He rested because He saw that his Creation was “GOOD”.  That did not last long before sin entered into the world and the good Creation became broken and had to be separated from it’s Creator. 99% of the world’s 10,000 or so years of existence is no where near what it was intended. We were supposed to live in a world of love, support, and happiness…instead we live in a world of sin, anger, malice, sadness, and sickness. We live in a world broken and fallen…a world where someone has to intervene to uphold law and order. Before the fall there was no need for such a peacekeeper because law and order was interwoven into your being…you knew it and just did it…with sin that changed. We became creatures of our own will instead of God’s…creatures that wanted what’s best for us and not others or what’s best for God’s perfect Creation. One day Christ will return and that perfect Creation will be restored…until then sin and malice will roam free. One day my job will not exist.

We will one day live on this world as it was meant to be…I will have a new job in the New Creation because law enforcement will come naturally and laws and rules will not be broken because God’s creation will be focused on worshipping Him and that will be the driving force for all that is done. I cannot wait on the day that God says “Your work as a law enforcement officer is done because you are no longer needed…your new calling is ____.” Until then however I am going to do everything in my power to keep law and order and protect what is left of God’s perfect and beautiful creation because that is what He has called me to do. I cannot wait for the day that God’s Creation is made whole once again.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Today I had vehicle tactics (traffic stops) and absolutely nailed the scenario...excellent way to end a long and stressful week. 

Had Stress Course shooting this afternoon. 

Now back in Rock Hill for the night and Graduation tomorrow!! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Had Pedestrian Tactics today. Basically how to deal with calls out doors. My partner and I were told we handled our call very well with very little critique. Feel really good about that...first time I've felt good after a scenario. 

Had Advanced Firearms this afternoon. Basically shooting after moving and identifying different threats. 

Grabbing dinner tonight with a friend from USCPD then packing up and getting ready to roll out and head home tomorrow.

Only 1more night sleeping in this dreaded place!! 


Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Had Building Clearing this morning. Got shot quite a lot the first time and a little the second but he told us we did an excellent job the second. Had a deputy from Charleston County working with us...really appreciate him coming amidst all that's going on. 

Did cover and concealment course this afternoon and the Fire Arms Training Simulator (FATS) this afternoon. A ton of fun! 

Have a optional class we were told to be at tonight. 


Monday, September 15, 2014


Today we did Crisis House and had Tactical shotgun course.

I know you guys are interested in why I'm doing here but my mind just isn't in it today. 

Today I'm stuck on a little black nylon band. I got my badge last Friday ad the first thing I did was go buy a black band to put around it in honor of Deputy Mastuskovic. His funeral was today. People have asked why I have the band on my badge if I can't wear my badge yet and the answer is's for me. My badge is hanging in my locker with that black band. For the last week at SCCJA I will open my locker and everytime see my badge with that band and be reminded of his service and his life. As I look through pictures that my amazing friends at SC Police Cruisers and others took of the funeral I was struck by a couple small things. 

1) over 1,000 LEOs showed up for this funeral. Many of you know that friendship and relationship is a huge part of my life and has been the root of many struggles for me. It amazes me that all these officers never knew Joe yet still took time to come to honor his life and as of Friday will do the same for me.

2) most striking though was the public. So many citizens lines the roadways with flags. At a time when Line Of Duty Deaths is on the we saw a glimmer of hope. Our citizens were out in full force showing their respect and love for Joe. This gives me extreme hope thy what we are doing makes a difference. 

3) training is key. In no way am I saying that Joe did anything wrong but having an instructor fighting tears as he talks you through a scenario is a wake up. This was an officer from that area and the time was 10:00...just as the funeral began. I know he would have rather been celebrating his brother's life and sacrifice but instead came to train us because he knows the significance of always training.

Joe rest in peace brother. 


Friday, September 12, 2014


Good end to a rough week for SC.

I passed both of our last tests with a 98 and a 100. 

I loved DUI week. Impaired Driving Enforcement is a priority and one of the main reasons I wanted to work in Law Enforcement. It feels good to finally be certified in Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and as a Datamaster Breathalyzer Operator. 

As the weekend begins my thoughts and prayers are still with my brothers and sisters in Charleston. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014



Had more SFST and DUI practice today. Got to watch some great dash cam videos of Kope doing his thing. 

Cannot wait to get out on the road and start putting this to use. #TargetZero Traffic Deaths in SC. 

2 tests tomorrow morning...feeling pretty good