Sunday, June 22, 2014


Day 1 – Today we arrived at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy in Columbia around 1300. We were supposed to do our Physical Abilities Test (PAT) at 1400. From 1300 – 1400 we literally walked around the perimeter of the gym. At 1400 we signed the remaining paperwork and lined up in alphabetical order and ran the PAT. I ended with a time of 1:15…around 16 seconds quicker than my time during the RHPD application process. After the PAT we lined up and practiced marching, turning, standing in formation, etc etc. We then broke for dinner and returned to campus around 1845. Upon return we went to our classroom for orientation. During orientation we went over rules etc. We then had accountability at 2000. This is when we did head counts with all the academy classes to make sure everyone had returned. Being the newbies we were required to do 20 pushups which SUCKED…they weren’t straight…we had to do them as the instructor called them out to us…so up when he said and down when he said. Then back to the rooms for the evening.

My roommate is from Aynor PD. So far so good on that front. Jesse from RHPD is also doing well. Time to just put our heads down and get through it. Tomorrow we have to be in formation at 0630 and then eat at 0655. Will try to post tomorrow night on what the day holds.

Texts/FB messages are still greatly appreciated. We were told the first 3 weeks will be the most stressful and hard to get through. Prayers are also greatly encouraged!

Didn’t have time to proof this one…it’s late and I’m ready to sleep.

1 Peter 2:5 “You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

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