Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 4

Day 4 went well. It was actually semi enjoyable. Covered Probable Cause and Exclusionary rule in class. Then had DT. Learned how to handcuff semi combative subjects. We learned the iron wrist lock take down. Hurts like hell but is extremely effective. Still have some practicing to do on it but one of the Irmo guys, Chris, and I went and practiced a bit tonight and were able to help teach some other people the basics behind it. Really fueled my desire to be a FTO one day (assuming we get through these 12 weeks).

Food SUCKS....but could be worse. These 12 weeks are not going to help the fact that my belt is already too small to hold everything it needs too.

The study group has expanded from Aynor and RHPD to now include Irmo PD, Orangeburg DPS, and York County Sheriff's Office. One of us better win the dang JP Strom award as much work as we put into this.

A basic day is: wake up, formation, breakfast (skip and eat in room...allows quiet time/alone time (you will need to get away from certain individuals for those of you who maybe reading this coming to The Academy later)), formation, march around the barracks, class time, lunch, PT/DT, dinner, extra option DT with Mr Evans (again future Academy people: GO TO THIS whether your agency mandates you too or not), then study study study. Thanks to the extra week off we are not studying for DT tests yet and only focusing on legals. I will read/study DT all next week.

Again everyone is still doing well and our class is holding strong at 65. First big test is Friday morning.

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3 " (thanks Mom!)


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