Well well well...the day has FINALLY come and gone. OC (Pepper) Spray is FINALLY completed...kinda. I have some time so I'll try to fill you in.
Started the morning out very well. I went to bed at 8:45 last night so I got a great night's sleep (planning the same for tonight). Then we went down for OC. Basically lined up and got to it. We were lined up by spray type. Jesse and I had 10% (The most potent you can legally use as a LEO) Foam spray. That means it sticks longer and burns more but is easier to decontaminate (decon). After a bit of a wait we went out and lined up. The we went up and were asked a couple questions. Told to close our eyes and hold our breath. Then they sprayed us. We had to punch a strike bag a couple times and were escorted to Decon 1. The burn kicked in right between the bag and Decon. Now when I say burn...it is like nothing you have ever experienced. It's made of Cheyenne pepper. It was BAD...not taser bad but it was BAD. We then had to sit and let water run in our face and pat our face/blow our nose over and over into a rag and wash our face over and over with Dawn. At this point anytime the water was not touching your face it felt like you were standing in a fire...and that is not an exaggeration. Stayed there about 10 min. We could not leave Decon 1 until we could open our eyes and count the fingers of the person doing our Decon. Finally was able to do that and led over to Decon 2. This was a large fan and we were given ice bags. By this point I had no problem opening my eyes but the burn was seriously unbearable unless the ice and fan were blowing. Stayed there 10-15 min as well until I could sprint upstairs to the showers. Insert a special thank you to Capt Phillips of the West Columbia Police Dept for all the help in Decon 2!! Went upstairs and immediately threw away my shirt that was covered in OC. Stuck my head in the shower and began washing over and over. Eventually the burn subsided enough to change and get back downstairs. Ended up with OC all over my face and ears, arms, and legs due to the foam falling. Took about 1 hour to 1.5 hours for all the burn to finally subside.
Then we had classroom on OC and then our proficiency test for OC. Passed it.
Took a shower a few min ago and my ears and legs reactivated so I am burning pretty bad right now...should subside soon.
We have liberty tonight so I am going to eat with Adam Jackson...at Chili's (note the irony).
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" -Philippians 4:13
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