What a great day!
Woke up at 5:30 (not so great especially after not sleeping well). Had driving first thing this morning. We did braking exercises without ABS. I MURDERED some cones but by the end I got it down and had a perfect run. Our instructor was pretty cool for it and we had a ton of fun.
After lunch we had shooting. It was REALLY REALLY hot but a lot of fun. 2 of our Sgts are here as firearms instructors so that is helping seeing some familiar faces for once. Shot 49/50, 48/50 and 25/25.
Pretty good day.
It is good to finally have applicable stuff. More LEOs are killed each year in traffic accidents or firearm related incidents so it's good to actually have stuff that will help us out and keep us safe.
Headed to bed pretty soon, I'm exhausted and have to do it all over again tomorrow.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9
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