Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Another good day at the SCCJA.

Drove this morning...did part of the Response Operating Course (ROC) which is designed to simulate driving Code 3 (blue lights and sirens). We did part of the precision part: slalom forward and reverse and then backing up in a straight line. After that we did the skid pad...which is some of the most fun I've ever had driving a car. My instructor is a traffic deputy for Lexington Co and was VERY disappointed he did not get me to spin out and that I saved it every time...he tried his hardest but couldn't make it happen...I was quite proud.

I was not proud of how I shot. Today I shot: 44/50, 46/50, and 23/25. I was low and left every time. The 2 firearms instructors from RHPD came down to work with me today and I over thought it trying to make sure I did well in front of them and in turn did not shoot too well.

We had a night class on Joint Terrorism Response which was actually pretty interesting overall.

Sgt was able to give me a lot of good help so hopefully tomorrow will be a better day at the pistol range. Driving we are running the whole ROC slowly 2x. Should be a good day

So far this is hands down the fastest week at SCCJA

"You must take your place in the Circle of Life" - Mufasa


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